Monthly marketing chat.
Held the last Thursday of each month (unless that is a holiday). Gives authors a chance to exchange marketing
ideas, tips for unusual methods, help for everyone who wants to see their book move up the sales lists.
Once a month. Free.
Beginning writing.
You have nothing more than an idea in your head, but you just know it would make a great story. We will show you how
to build that story, one step at a time, from characterization clear through to how to take the plot from start to the climax.
Everything you need to get you started.
5 weeks. Begins April 1, 2005. $20.00
Writer's group workshop.
Do you belong to a writer's group in your area, but you can't seem to get ahead? We will formulate a workshop geared
to your specific group, designed to meet your needs right where you are. Regular price, $20.00 per person
for 4 weeks. Special introductory offer: $15.00 per person (if you have 6 or more people in your group who
sign up). Will begin as soon as you register and a schedule can be set up.
Magazine/newspaper writing.
How to formulate a plan for doing an article, how to "hook" your reader, writing a cover/query letter, proposing a regular
column, and how to find the proper market for the finished piece.
4 weeks. $20.00 total fee.
How to find a publisher.
Once your book is complete, we will offer guidelines and leads for various types of publishers. Advantages and disadvantages
of print-on-demand publishers, small traditional presses, self-publishing and the "big boy" traditional publishers will be
examined. Also, the benefits or pitfalls of finding an agent will be covered.
4 weeks. $20.00 total fee.
Writing your family history.
Genealogy is the fastest-growing hobby in the U.S. today. The basic rudiments of tracing your family tree will be taught,
and will progress to how to organize your material and put it into the best possible presentation for publishing your family
4 weeks. $20.00 total fee.
Turning your family history into a fictional novel.
How to do research, how much can you embellish the "real truth," how to make your characters come alive, and how to keep
the relatives from rebelling from your revelations. One of the most fun ways to write a really good read.
4 weeks. $20.00 total fee.
Marketing your book.
You thought it was a tough job writing that book. You had no idea that the biggest challenge and the hardest work was
still ahead of you. Even well-known authors have to do book-signings and tours. There are a lot of tricks to the trade that
will make the task easier--and maybe even fun. 4 weeks. $20.00 total fee.
Website construction.
Want to build your own website? You don't understand terms like html? It's as easy as A-B-C. If I can do it, anybody
can do it. There are lots of free hosts where you can begin, and you can upgrade it after you are finished--if you want to.
We'll show you how to not only create an interesting website, but also how to keep it lively by maintaining it.
4 weeks. $20.00 total fee