SOS! for Authors

Book basics
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Take your ideas to the printed page

If you have an idea that you are sure would make a great story, but you don't have a clue of where to begin, sign up for the workshop that will take your idea out of your brain, onto a blank computer screen (or a yellow legal pad) to a finished product that you can proudly submit to a publisher.

Included will be:
Characterization: breathing life into them
Setting: how to research without leaving home
Plot: how to hold the reader's attention
Movement: how to make your story flow smoothly
The end: how to build to a climax
To sign up, send an email to and mark the subject line "Creative writing course."
Cost per class, for a five-week course, is just $20 per person. To be held on Wed. evenings, 9 ET, beginning in April, 2005.


For more information or questions contact us at